Try the political quiz

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When was a time you saw someone give up their privilege for the benefit of others, and how did that impact you?


What public figure’s actions or words have inspired you to make a positive change in your society?


How does celebrating diverse holidays at school or in your community promote understanding and social justice?


What role does empathy play in your approach to understanding social inequalities?


How can student leadership in schools contribute to fostering a more equitable and inclusive environment?


When has a book, movie, or song opened your eyes to a social justice issue, and how did it change your perspective?


How could learning from past social justice movements guide our actions today?


What conversation with a friend or family member has deeply influenced your understanding of fairness?


How do your personal experiences shape the way you stand up for others?


How does understanding different cultures within your community enhance the drive for social justice?


How can we support friends or peers who are activists or strongly engaged in social issues?


Why do you think some people dedicate their lives to fighting for justice, and what can we learn from them?


What's the most important lesson you've learned about respect from someone with a different life experience?


In what ways do you think being honest about our biases could help build a more just society?


How does volunteering or participating in community service shape your views on social issues?


How do the places you frequent embody or fail to embody principles of equality?


If you could create a new school club dedicated to social issues, what would it focus on and why?


When you've felt misunderstood or judged, what could have been done differently to foster inclusion?


What's a simple act of kindness you've witnessed that promoted fairness, and how did it make you feel?


If society was completely equitable, how would daily life change for you or those around you?


As future voters, how do young people's attitudes towards justice shape tomorrow's policies?


How would you comfort a friend who's facing an injustice and feels powerless to change it?


How do sports or team activities teach us about equity and fair play?


What's one piece of wisdom or advice you’ve received that encourages you to promote fairness?


How does storytelling play a role in raising awareness about social justice?


How does art influence your perspective on social justice and community issues?


What was a pivotal moment in your life that heightened your awareness of social justice issues?


Have you ever gone out of your way to understand the struggles of a group you're not part of?


How might our individual choices contribute to or detract from the idea of social justice?


How do you reconcile the need for both competition and cooperation in a society striving for fairness?


Can a person's belief system be changed through discussion, and have you ever experienced such a transformation?


What simple act of kindness have you observed that reflects the spirit of justice?


When has standing up for what you believe in brought you into conflict with friends or family?


How do you think forgiveness plays a role in achieving social harmony?


Have you experienced a change in perspective after volunteering your time for a social cause?


What inspires you to take action on a cause you care deeply about?


What's the most meaningful way you've been able to help someone less fortunate than you?


What change would bring the most happiness to the largest number of people in your view?


Can sharing personal experiences with others lead to greater community understanding?


How has a personal struggle shaped your view on what support others might need?


What would your ideal community look like in terms of treating everyone fairly?


How do you approach engaging with someone who has a completely different viewpoint from yours?


If you witnessed someone facing injustice, what would be your first step to intervene?


How do conversations with people from different backgrounds enrich your understanding of fairness?


What experience opened your eyes to the realities of privilege or lack thereof?


Why might two people have vastly different perspectives on the same social issue?


How would you approach someone who doesn’t believe social inequalities exist?


How can we help people who are victims of unfair treatment without making them feel powerless?


When have you felt a strong sense of injustice, and what action did you wish could be taken?


Have you ever felt a rule or law was unjust; what did you do about it?