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 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

No, but only allow political ads that are solely used for assistance in grassroots fundraising and organizing, not ads that challenge an opposing candidate's positions on issues

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

No, but only allow political ads that are used for assistance in grassroots fundraising and organizing

 @7PTCG38 from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

No, but only allow political ads that are used for assistance in grassroots fundraising and organizing, and do not vilify an opposing political party or candidate by stating unverified or misleading information


 @93MSBYT from Florida answered…2yrs2Y

 @93F4Y24 from Ohio answered…2yrs2Y

No, Social Media companies should be free to choose what they allow on their sites.

 @93DHP4B from Kansas answered…2yrs2Y

No, and they should no determine the truth value of the advertisment and must accept all political ads.

 @93CS3TH from Texas answered…2yrs2Y

 @Pastybums from Arizona answered…2yrs2Y

 @92YHQCV from California answered…2yrs2Y

No, but they should be given the option to remove the ad if the information in it is all false [and/or] misleading

 @8ZSR5NL from GU answered…2yrs2Y

No, but there should be regulations and a ban on accounts/posts that promote false claims. It should be clear to every user that it is an opinion/advertisement.


 @93673YZ from California answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only when political messaging is used to spread or promote hate against vulnerable groups

 @932V85R from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

 @92XJ8SQ from New York answered…2yrs2Y

 @92X5HLD from California answered…2yrs2Y


No, but all paid advertisements should be fact checked before being allowed.

 @92MKPWZ from California answered…2yrs2Y

As long is not overly exessive that it disrupt the peoples viewing expericases and people can look at it or ignor it.

  @92N5JGD from Ohio answered…2yrs2Y

Yes and no. There should be a large pool of candidates to choose from in a primary and a smaller pool for the election. Funds should be equal so advertising would be equal as well.


No, bit I think any political advertising should come from individuals and should not be paid advertising. But I don't agree with complete bans as social media is the biggest way to get out information now since it is for many of the population their primary source of information.

 @92DQP2K from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

Companies should be allowed to regulate their own political advertising policies.


They should allow it but it does not need to be as predominant as it is.

 @925J4Q8 from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

 @8ZSR5NL from GU answered…2yrs2Y

No, but there should be regulations and a ban on accounts/posts that promote false claims/misinformation. It should be clear to every user that it is an opinion/advertisement.

 @8ZYQ3WF from California answered…2yrs2Y

No, because it is a main way people get information but, it should be limited.


No, but they should be subject to the same rules of advertisement and political campaigning

 @8Z3NQVS from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

 @ThomasJj88 from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

Facts should be prioritized but warnings should be shown for fake news.

 @8Y6ZVGL from VI answered…2yrs2Y

No, but monitor and report any discriminatory language and false information.

 @7XL4K93 from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

It is up to the social media company to determine which advertisements are permitted

 @8YK8V7Y from Hawaii answered…2yrs2Y

No, as long as the advertisement is truthful and doesn't villainize the opposing party

 @8VC2Q88 from Virginia answered…2yrs2Y

Regardless, it is at the discretion of the executives of the platform


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