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No, but the government should encourage immigrants to do so by providing free or economically accessible language learning courses


What role should language play in citizenship criteria, if any?


Can requiring a language be seen as a form of respect for the host community or an imposition on personal freedom?


How might the requirement to learn a specific language affect the integration of immigrants into a society?


What challenges do you think you'd face if you were expected to learn a new language as an adult?


Imagine moving to a new country; would learning the local language be a top priority for you, and why?


How important do you think language is in expressing one's identity?


What are the benefits and drawbacks of bilingualism in a community?


Could a shared language lead to stronger communities, or might it suppress cultural diversity?


What do you feel is lost or gained when a person adopts a new language for daily life?


How might your daily life change if you had to communicate in a language you aren't fluent in?

 @8F3TJ7L from Utah answered…2yrs2Y

Encouraged, not required. Speaking the predominant language where you live makes life significantly easier.

 @93RQL4H from Massachusetts answered…2yrs2Y

No, but maybe provide free language learning courses for those interested in assimilating.

 @mansi from Nebraska answered…2yrs2Y

I don't think it should be required, but there should be free classes for them.

 @93GLTSM from Nebraska answered…2yrs2Y

 @92YHQCV from California answered…2yrs2Y

No, immigrants should choose whether they want to learn English OR Not, and for those that do, the government should provide them with free language learning courses, but Personally, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country.

 @92YHQCV from California answered…2yrs2Y

No, because it should be a choice, not a requirement, and for those who choose to learn English, the government should provide free language learning courses, but personally, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country.


Immigrants should be required to learn at least one of the official languages of the state they are immigrating to.

 @92YHQCV from California answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, as long as it's NOT Forced upon them, and the government should provide free language learning courses, but personally, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country.

 @92XJ5HX from New York answered…2yrs2Y

 @92TDH8N from Illinois answered…2yrs2Y

No, but there should be free language learning courses if they want to learn it.

 @8532KYJ from Georgia answered…2yrs2Y

 @923Z93G from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

 @8ZVRJ7S from Indiana answered…2yrs2Y

It wouldn’t hurt since English is the de facto language of business and education in this country but they should also be able to speak their language in peace too. It should be up to them, not the government.

  @8ZH59GG from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

  @8ZH59GG from Washington answered…2yrs2Y

 @8ZGPKM9 from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

 @85QWNPG from Colorado answered…2yrs2Y

No, but it should be highly streamlined, encouraged and free for them to learn English on the process of attaining citizenship or in the years after if their mind changes.

 @Edsbeardposting from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

No, the United States doesn't have an official language so there's no realistic way to enforce it.

 @8YVHZD3 from South Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

It would be good for them to learn English, but difficult if not impossible to implement or enforce.


No, but the government should provide free language learning courses to those who wish to...and it should be encouraged.

 @8YKV3LM from Hawaii answered…2yrs2Y

 @8YK8V7Y from Hawaii answered…2yrs2Y

 @8YJ6ZGY from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

No, but the government should provide free language learning courses if they choose to learn.

 @8YFCYTS from California answered…2yrs2Y


No, it shouldn't be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide free language learning courses

 @8XPV4DF from South Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @8XRJPQ5 from Massachusetts answered…2yrs2Y


Yes, but the government should provide free language learning courses

No, it shouldn't be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide cheap language lessons


Yes, but the government should provide free language learning courses

No, it shouldn't be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide free language lessons


No, but strongly encourage. Requiring it is against the 1st and 5th Amendments.


No, it should not be required but it should be highly encouraged and the government should provide free language lessons

 @8XH9SMF from Ohio answered…3yrs3Y

yes but only so they can converse with the American citizens who mostly speak English, but no matter what they should still be able to speak whenever or whatever they choose.

 @CFox4People from Ohio answered…3yrs3Y

No, but they should be encouraged to do so if they wish to and have access to cheap or free learning courses.


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