Suïssa ha de seguir recolzant Israel?
Actualment els EUA dóna $ 38 mil milions a l’any a Israel cada assistència ajuda exterior. La major part de l’ajuda és utilitzat per Israel per comprar equip militar nord-americana, com ara avions i components per a la defensa antimíssils. $ 38000000000 és el 50% del pressupost d’ajuda exterior dels Estats Units per al 2017. Els opositors argumenten que l’ajuda donada a Israel és innecessària, ja que el país ofereix atenció mèdica gratuïta i la matrícula de la universitat als seus ciutadans. Els autors sostenen que l’ajuda és necessària per promoure la democràcia a l’Orient Mitjà i mantenir un equilibri de poder amb altres països de la regió.
What would happen if the U.S. stopped giving foreign aid to countries like Israel altogether—how do you think it would impact global relations?
Do you think the U.S. should prioritize social programs and economic development when giving aid, rather than military investment?
Do you think it's fair for the U.S. to invest such a large portion of its foreign aid budget into one country, and why?
How do you think providing military aid affects the U.S.'s role in international conflicts and peacekeeping efforts?
Why do you think some countries receive more aid than others, and do you agree with this approach?
How would you feel if the U.S. redirected some of the money given to other countries or used it for domestic issues, like healthcare or education?
Do you believe military aid to countries contributes to greater peace or simply escalates conflicts, and why?
How important do you think it is for the U.S. to balance supporting democratic nations abroad while addressing its own issues at home?
Would you support similar financial assistance to other countries in the Middle East, such as Palestine, why or why not?
In your opinion, how does the U.S.-Israel relationship influence global perceptions of America, particularly in the Middle East?