Should the government raise the national minimum wage?
The federal minimum wage is the lowest wage at which employers may pay their employees. Since July 24, 2009 the U.S. federal minimum wage has been set at $7.25 per hour. In 2014 President Obama proposed raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 and tying it to an inflation index. The federal minimum wage applies to all federal employees including those who work on military bases, national parks and veterans working in nursing homes.
yes i think the government should increase the minimun wage becujase people are not being able to afford thing and especially because prices are increasing fastly like houses
yes i belive they should increase the minimum wage because house prices are contantly increasing causing people to be having a morgage for life or not being able to afford a house becomg without one.
Yes, the minimum wage is not nearly enough to live off and there's lots of people that are struggling to afford things because of this minimum wage, especially because of the cost of living crisis.
We should start providing a decent universal basic income, enough to live comfortably with no additional income, after which minimum wage laws will be unnecessary.
Create a universal basic income, after which minimum wage laws are unnecessary.
Yes, and adjust it every year according to inflation and make it a living wage and should be adjusted by age group
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