Yes, replace police with unarmed community based responders for non-violent calls
No, increase funding and training for police departments in higher crime rate communities
Yes, and abolish the police

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Switzerland users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9KTRJDW answered…1mo1MO

Full crime and use fake opportunity is louds more rated by police sexual assaults by facial women's hair rips inc


More police presence around areas with school children for the safety aiganst pedophiles and kidnappers


Funding should go into making the world a better place don't you think? Police are cool and all don't get me wrong, some of them do a good job. However, police are individuals like everyone else and therefore can't be expected to uphold the law. I mean, all I hear about police nowadays is how violent they are. If you ask me, it's pointless to have police. What keeps us in check is the money we'll have to spend in court for committing a crime and the fact one may spend a lot of time in a box.

As for social and community based programs, I guess it just depends on what…  Read more


Remove gov't policing altogether in favour of privatized policing, let the market decide what that looks like.

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