
244 Replies


How do you think your life would be different if there were no minimum wage laws?


Have there been times when you felt market competition has positively or negatively affected your education or job opportunities?


How does the idea of a 'self-made' individual resonate with your own or your family's experience?


Can a society be fair if success largely depends on competition?


How would you respond if a public space you cherish was sold for development in the name of economic progress?


What role do you think government should have in regulating businesses' impact on the environment?


Can you think of instances where you feel public interest should trump private profit?


When companies cut corners to reduce costs, how does it affect your perception of their products?


Do you believe that 'the customer is always right' philosophy is fair to workers?


In what ways has globalization affected your community or the products you use?


Would you rather pay more taxes for comprehensive public services or have lower taxes and more user fees?


Have you felt the tension between protecting local culture and embracing global culture, and how do you navigate it?


How does the pursuit of profit influence the choices available to you in areas like healthcare, education, or media?


What's your stance on the government's role in providing unemployment benefits versus encouraging self-reliance?


Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profits over the working conditions of their employees?


How do you feel about the idea that your success is entirely in your own hands, without societal or government support?


Imagine your future profession being replaced by automation; would you prefer governmental support or the drive to independently adapt and re-skill?


What's your take on high school graduates taking a gap year to explore before college or work; is this a privilege or a beneficial practice for society?


How would you feel if all your online data was freely sold by tech companies to advertisers, or is privacy more important than convenience?


What experiences have shaped your views on whether healthcare should be guaranteed as a right or bought as a service?


In your opinion, do heavy taxes on the wealthy discourage innovation and hard work or help balance social inequalities?


Considering environmental protection, would you sacrifice certain modern conveniences if it meant a healthier planet for future generations?


Do you think competition can harm or improve the quality of goods and services in certain industries?


Can you think of a moment when you had to choose between a cheaper product and one made locally, and why did you choose what you did?


How have your aspirations been shaped by the society and economy around you?


How do you balance the desire for affordable products with concerns about how they're made and the wages paid to workers?


If a friend from a less privileged background faced barriers you didn't, how did that influence your views on 'equal opportunity'?


Do you feel more motivated by financial incentives or by doing work that benefits society, and why?


Would you prefer a job with a set path and security or one with the potential for innovation and risk?


How would having access to a universal basic income change your approach to work or education?


If your community's public space was privatized, how would that affect your sense of belonging and well-being?


If your family's livelihood depended on a business affected by international trade, how would you view global competition?


What are your thoughts on automation replacing jobs, and how do you foresee adapting to such a change in your chosen career?


Is it more important for a government to invest in public services like education and healthcare, or to cut taxes to encourage business investment?


How would you react if your local public school was privatized and you had to pay for what used to be free?


Would you prefer more job opportunities at the expense of environmental regulations that limit pollution, or should the environment come first?


Do you believe that everyone, regardless of background, genuinely has an equal chance to succeed in a free market economy?


If deregulation could lead to cheaper products but also less job security for workers, which would you support?


Does a government have a responsibility to ensure its citizens' basic needs, or should individuals be solely responsible for their success and well-being?


How do you balance the convenience of online shopping with the potential negative impact on local businesses?


Has the promise of 'pulling yourself up by your bootstraps' felt realistic in your personal experiences?


How would your life choices differ if your education or healthcare didn't depend on your or your family's finances?


If a subject you love was no longer offered at school due to budget cuts, how would that impact your academic enthusiasm?


In what way do you think the social safety net (or lack thereof) in your country shapes people's life decisions?


Have you ever felt that financial concerns compromised your ability to make ethical or environmentally friendly choices?


What role do you believe creativity and innovation play in a system focused primarily on economic efficiency?


If public transportation was privatized and became more costly, how would that affect your daily life or that of those around you?


When making decisions, how much do you consider their economic impacts versus their impacts on community and relationships?


What are your thoughts on the balance between pursuing personal ambitions and contributing to community well-being?


How does it impact your life when a small number of companies control the prices of everyday items?


Have you ever chosen a job or educational path because of the potential financial gain instead of passion, and why?


Can you reflect on a moment when you felt that your well-being was affected by cuts to social services?


If the arts were no longer funded publicly and only available through private means, how would that affect your cultural experiences?


Would you be willing to pay more for ethically produced clothes, or is affordability your main concern?


How does the consumer culture shape your expectations for happiness and success?


How would you re-imagine the education system to prepare students for a world focused on economic efficiency?


How would you react if your local library became subscription-based to increase funding?


Would your social media use change if platforms started charging a fee to ensure privacy?


How might the privatization of public beaches or parks change your recreational habits?


If college admission was based purely on merit without financial aid considerations, how would you view education equity?


What's your perspective on the trade-off between genetically modified foods for lower prices and traditional farming methods?


How would the experience of caring for an ill family member without state healthcare change your views on government responsibility?


If you had to pay to use roads each time, would that influence your daily transportation choices?


How do you perceive the concept of 'working poor', and have you noticed its effects in your community or job sector?


Would you take a high-risk, high-reward job over a stable but less exciting career path, and why?


How do you think the pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle influences people's debt and mental health?


If you were faced with the choice of a stable job that doesn't match your values or uncertain freelance work that does, which path would you choose and why?


How have your observations of the rich-poor divide in your community influenced your opinions on wealth distribution?


How would the idea of your school being run like a business for profit change how you value education?


How do you reconcile the need for affordable housing with the push for developers to maximize profits?


What's your take on the importance of entrepreneurship versus a stable, predictable job market?


Have you ever been in a position where healthcare costs influenced major life decisions?


How would your spending habits change if all products carried labels showing the wages of the workers who made them?


What role does social media play in shaping your thoughts on economic issues and personal success?


Have you, or someone you know, ever been priced out of a neighborhood due to gentrification?


What are your thoughts on balancing a high-paying job that demands long hours with personal time and hobbies?


Have you ever faced a moral dilemma between buying affordable products and supporting local businesses?


How would you feel if your favorite public park was turned into a shopping center to stimulate economic growth?


How would your perspectives on work-life balance and job security change if society emphasized your value beyond just economic productivity?


How would you feel if the job market and your future career were solely determined by global competition rather than local opportunities?


How would your view on the importance of individual effort versus community support change if you found yourself unable to afford basic needs due to market forces?


How would you adapt if a service you rely on daily became privatized and its cost significantly increased?


How would your daily life change if all essential services like healthcare and education were fully privatized?