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Mitt Romney und Rick Santorum zu Einwanderung

Eingestellt vor 12 Jahren by

Mitt Romney und Rick Santorum zu Einwanderung

As the Arizona and Michigan Primaries approach on February 28th we will be closely watching the candidates’ positions on immigration. While campaigning for the Iowa Caucuses last month Mitt Rommey and Rick Santorum ran on what many considered to be an anti-immigrant platform in an effort to appeal to Iowa Republicans. Mr. Romney and Mr. Santorum both said they would veto the Obama administration's DREAM Act which would provide permanent or temporary residency to immigrants living in the United States.

After being soundly defeated in South Carolina Primary by Newt Gingrich, Mr. Romney softened his position towards immigrants while campaigning for the Florida Primary saying he was “pro-immigrant” and reminding Cuban American voters that he was born in Mexico to missionary parents. Arizona Republicans have recently passed some of the toughest immigration policies in the country. If Rick Santorum wins Michigan (he is leading many polls) Arizona will become a must win for Mr. Romney.

Will Mitt Romney change his recent position on immigration in an effort to appeal to Arizona primary voters? Try our 2012 presidential candidate match quiz to see how you side with Romney.

See our breakdown of Mitt Romney vs Rick Santorum on immigration issues of the 2012 presidential election.

See our breakdown of Mitt Romney vs Barack Obama on immigration issues of the 2012 presidential election.