Try the political quiz

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What's a piece of advice you've received about making the most of what you have, and how have you applied it?


When have you seen someone embody the principles of sufficiency in their life, and how did it impact you?


What's an instance where you chose to repurpose or repair something, and what inspired that decision?


How do you think a mindset of 'quality over quantity' could affect your future career choice?


How have your choices of entertainment changed due to your budget, and what have you learned from those changes?


Have you ever swapped items with friends; how did that experience benefit both of you?


What home-cooked meal brings you the most joy to make and share with others?


How do you think your personal consumption impacts the world around you?


What's one way you conserve resources that makes you feel responsible and proactive?


Who is someone you admire for their modest lifestyle, and what have they taught you?


How would you explain the satisfaction of a DIY project to someone who's never tried?


When have you felt most connected to your community without spending money?


How has a family or cultural value influenced your view on wants versus needs?


Discuss how making conscious choices in our diets can lead to a more sustainable lifestyle.


If you had the choice to learn a new skill that would make you more self-sufficient, what would it be and why?


How can the concept of delayed gratification benefit us in the long-term, both financially and emotionally?


Can you think of a modern invention that has actually made life simpler and less consumption-driven?


What's an example of a time when taking a slower, more thoughtful approach led to better outcomes for you?


How can we use social media to promote a culture of sustainability among young people?


Discuss a tradition or practice in your family that encourages resourcefulness or frugality.


What’s your favorite low-cost or free hobby that brings you happiness, and why is it fulfilling?


How does sharing resources with neighbors or friends strengthen your community?


When was the last time you fixed something instead of buying new, and how did that make you feel?


How do personal spending habits reflect our broader values, and have yours changed over time?


What would your perfect day look like if it involved zero spending?


Describe a local or family tradition that embodies the idea of sufficiency and its significance to you.


What role does gratitude play in your life, and how might it relate to sufficiency concepts?


How has a relationship, with a friend or family member who practices moderation, influenced your own lifestyle choices?


How would your social interactions change if everyone around you adopted a more minimalist lifestyle?


What’s one thing you enjoy that doesn’t cost anything, and why is it valuable to you?


How do you balance the allure of consumerism with the ethos of sustainability in your life?


If everyone chose one thing to live without, what would you give up, and what impact might it have?


Describe a time when doing something resourceful gave you a sense of achievement.


What's a global issue that you feel passionate about and how could living sufficiently address it?


What do you think of when you hear the phrase 'quality over quantity' and can that be applied to life experiences?


How do you reconcile the desire for the latest gadgets with the principles of sufficiency?


In a disaster, what skills do you have that would help you and others survive without modern conveniences?


What small daily change can you make that would contribute to a larger global impact?


What does self-reliance mean to you in the context of the digital age we live in?


In what ways does peer pressure affect our consumption habits and how can we counteract it?


Have you felt contentment from a minimalist lifestyle or gesture you've adopted?


If you had the power to change one aspect of the global economy toward sufficiency, what would it be and why?


How can we balance the pursuit of personal ambitions with the need for a stable and sustainable society?


What does 'living within your means' look like for a high school student?


Imagine a world where everyone practiced sufficiency; what do you think would change in society?


What are some creative ways you've managed to do more with less in your own life?


Do you believe that resilience to economic crises is more important than rapid economic growth?


What personal sacrifices would you be willing to make for a self-reliant community?


Can a society truly thrive when everyone seeks moderation in consumption?


How might living within our means change our daily choices and their impact on the planet?