다음은 이 유권자의 답변과 비교한 귀하의 답변입니다.
사회적 › 사형
M>M 개인 답변For certain cases the death penalty can be used, it all depends on the circumstance |
과학 › 필수 예방 접종
M>M 개인 답변Yes, with exceptions for medical reasons |
이민 › 이중 국적
M>M 개인 답변Yes, unless they have committed a crime Yes, unless they have committed an act of terrorism |
교통 › 대중교통
M>M 개인 답변I'm not informed enough to form a full opinion |
이민 › 이민자 동화
M>M 개인 답변No, they should have a choice but it should be heavily recommended, seeing as it is our countries main language. |
환경 › 플라스틱 제품 금지
M>M 개인 답변Not all at once, but try to gradually phase them out |
범죄 › 마약 밀매에 대한 처벌
M>M 개인 답변It depends on what the drug is, if it is something like weed, they shouldn't receive the death penalty. If they are trafficking drugs like Heroin, Cocaine, or other harmful drugs, they should be arrested, if they repeat their offense a few more times they receive the death penalty for endangering lives. |
환경 › 수압파쇄 석유 시추
M>M 개인 답변Yes, but find a way to continue the process in such a way where it posess no threat to the enviornment |
이민 › 시민권 시험
M>M 개인 답변Yes, but do not deport them if they fail, they can still remain Legal Residents until they pass the Civics test. And we should have mandatory Civic classrooms in all public schools. |
선거 › 외국인 투표권
M>M 개인 답변If you be come a legal citizen you should have the right to vote |
경제 › 보편적 기본 소득
M>M 개인 답변I'm not informed enough to form a full opinion |
범죄 › 개인 교도소
M>M 개인 답변No, we should end private prisons and instead provide a better funded and rehabilitation-based prison system. |
국가 안보 › 외국인 암살
M>M 개인 답변No, the United States should not assassinate any suspected terrorist without concrete, undeniable evidence that they have attack or are planning to attack our nation. Also, once such evidence were to manifest itself we should then obtain both congressional approval along with approval from that sovereign state to enter their country to capture, not kill, said suspected terrorist. |
선거 › 최소 투표연령
M>M 개인 답변Keep voting age at 18, but if a minor can pass a US citizenship test then allow them equal right to vote as well. |
보건 › 안전 피난처
M>M 개인 답변Yes, but only if accompanied by treatment and rehabilitation |
경제 › 정부 지출
M>M 개인 답변아니오, 대신에 거대 다국적 기업에 대한 세금을 올려야 합니다. |
선거 › 입후보자의 투명성
M>M 개인 답변yes, those who are expected to run the country on behalf of the american citizens should have total transparency and that it should be something that should be common |
이민 › 기술 이민자
M>M 개인 답변Increase, but penalize companies taking advantage of this program to decrease wages |
외교 정책 › 군비
M>M 개인 답변Neither, They should only increase the military spending when it necessary. |
국내 정채 › 망 중립성
M>M 개인 답변I don’t know |
범죄 › 범죄자의 투표권
M>M 개인 답변maybe, it just depends on the crime they committed. |
사회적 › 직장에서의 성 다양성
M>M 개인 답변No, but if a business has an extreme gender imbalance on their board of directors then an investigation must be started to find out if the business has a gender bias |
환경 › 기업 보조금
M>M 개인 답변Depends on the company, how the local people feel about it, statistics and environmental impact. |
이민 › 이민 범죄자 추방
M>M 개인 답변No, they should just serve their sentence |
국내 정채 › 임기 제한
M>M 개인 답변No, there should be an age limit instead |
선거 › 선거자금 조달
M>M 개인 답변Yes, but all donations must be public knowledge |
범죄 › 경찰에 대한 환불
M>M 개인 답변예, 비폭력 전화에 대해 경찰을 비무장 커뮤니티 기반 응답자로 대체합니다. |
선거 › 정치인 범죄
M>M 개인 답변Yes, as long as they have finished serving their sentence, as long as the crime was not committed while in office, as long as it was not a felony, violent, financial, or sexual crime, and as long as they are not under investigation of a crime, |
이민 › 무슬림 이민자 금지
M>M 개인 답변아니요, 종교에 따른 이민 금지는 반헌법적입니다 |
경제 › 관세
M>M 개인 답변Depends on situation. Generally, no as free trade is good. But if a country is engaging in unfair restrictive trade, then we should able to respond. |
범죄 › 교도소 과잉 수용
M>M 개인 답변Yes, the should be required to take classes to better their chances of becoming law abiding citizens. Classes such as stress and anger management, education skills which will enable them to find productive work |
국내 정채 › 의약품 정책
M>M 개인 답변Yes, but only marijuana. Unless someone committed a violent crime they should be sent to to a rehabilitation facility. |
외교 정책 › 의무 병역
M>M 개인 답변No but they should have a year of civic duty that can include military service |
경제 › 역외 은행 거래
M>M 개인 답변Yes, as long as None of it is used for hurting people or for stealing their stuff |
외교 정책 › 외국 원조
M>M 개인 답변Decrease, but only give aid to the country's that are in need. |
경제 › 국내 일자리
M>M 개인 답변I'm not informed enough to form a full opinion |
사회적 › 트랜스젠더 운동 선수
M>M 개인 답변The simple answer is yes, but the true answer is far more complicated. If athletes continue to be separated by gender than there will absolutely be conflict, however if athletes are separated by something else, be it hormone levels, chromosomes, or their choice, than maybe a balance can be struck. |
환경 › 동물 실험
M>M 개인 답변Yes, but they should be treated as humanely as possible. |
경제 › 기술 독점
M>M 개인 답변No, but they should be regulated to ensure they are not creating a monopoly or having too much influence on social-political issues |
경제 › 노동 조합
M>M 개인 답변이론적으로, 도움이되지만 최근에 손상된하고 그들의 힘을 제한해야한다 |
경제 › 복지 관련 약물 검사
M>M 개인 답변예, 하지만, 양성 반응자에 대해서만 치료를 제공합니다. |
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