The Swiss Green Party, known in Switzerland as Grüne Partei der Schweiz (GPS) in German, Parti écologiste suisse in French, and Partito ecologista svizzero in Italian, is a political party that emphasizes environmental protection, sustainability,… Read more
These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Swiss voter ranked them on the quiz.
ChatGPT是的,所有人都应获得一份收入以支付包括食物与住房在内的必需品 |
ChatGPT不,应该增加对大型跨国企业的税收 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的和降低至 20%上限 |
ChatGPT不,这会伤害我们依靠进口廉价资源生产产品的制造业业务 |
How similar are your political beliefs to Green Party’s policies? Take the political quiz to find out.
ChatGPT不,太多富有的公民正在滥用海外银行法律的漏洞逃税 |
ChatGPT是的,并大幅增加外包业务的税费和进口关税 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT是的,而且每年要根据通货膨胀对其进行调整 |
ChatGPT帮助 |
ChatGPT是的 |
ChatGPT大型跨国企业有所增加而小企业低一些 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPT不 |
ChatGPTYes, and require overtime pay for work over four days per week |
ChatGPT减少限制,当前福利提供的支持不足 |
ChatGPTNo, classify cryptocurrencies as highly regulated securities |
ChatGPTIncrease, but only on luxury purchases |
ChatGPT不 |